Regardless of how stable and risk-free a hosting service is, a problem may always show up with your sites. An update could go wrong and you could lose critical data, you might delete a file or a whole folder by accident or someone can get unauthorized access to your account. In any of these situations a backup of your content will be a guarantee that the sites can easily be restored the way they were before the problem showed up. The problem with the majority of Internet hosting platforms and Control Panels is that backups are generated once daily and each new backup overwrites the previous one, so if you recognize that something is wrong with your website several days later, it'll quite possibly be too late to restore anything and you will end up losing the info. To protect yourself from this sort of a situation, we have designed a cutting-edge backup system that will allow you not only to restore your files easily, but also to pick the date when the backup was created.

Browsable Daily Backups in Shared Hosting

If you host your websites inside a shared hosting account from our firm, you'll not have to be worried about your info given that we will back it up on a separate web hosting server 4 times every day and we will have a copy for every day of the past week. Not only this, but all backups shall be available in the File Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with the shared accounts, so you will be able to sort through them like you are browsing regular folders. Each backup has an exact timestamp when it was generated, so you are able to select the one that you need. Restoring any content is as basic as copying a file or a folder from one spot to another, so you will not have any difficulties even if you're building your first site and you have not used a web hosting service before. With the function, which is part of our plans by default, your files shall be protected all of the time no matter what.

Browsable Daily Backups in Dedicated Hosting

The backup service is active by default for all semi-dedicated hosting accounts that are created on our sophisticated cloud platform. A copy of your whole content is kept every day and we shall always have at least four backups of your files for each of the past seven days. Apart from the number of backups, the advantage of our platform over the service which other providers offer is the fact that you can surf all available backups by using the File Manager tool within your hosting Control Panel. The only difference from the standard folders which you have is that the backup ones are with read-only permissions for safety reasons, but the control is precisely the same, so if you would like to restore one file or a whole folder, you just need to copy it to the actual domain directory and you shall be all set. This function shall save you the time that you'd otherwise spend to contact our tech support team and will give you the reliability which you need as you will never lose any info anymore.