SOHO Package
Our Advantages
Genuine Cloud Architecture - ZFS Cloud Storage & Mail
- Fast SSD Drives
Daily Data Backups 24/7 Technical Support Domain Name Backorders WHOIS Privacy
SOHO hosting at
$6.08/mo.Explore our hosting services with a 30-day free of charge trial period. No credit card required.
Free Templates
More than one hundred totally free WordPress and Joomla™ web design templates to pick from
You can easily download a Wordpress or Joomla™ template with just a click from the Site Control Panel. You do not need to visit 3rd–party web sites for first–class web design themes. We have an extensive selection for you readily incorporated into your web hosting account. All you need to do is pick the design layout of your preference and push the Download button. All web design layouts are completely free for you.
Website Installer
Publish your own web sites with just a click of the mouse
Launching your websites is as easy as falling off a log with this swift, single–click Website Installer Tool. Zero setup is required, no web site design abilities are needed at all. All you have to do is to choose the type of web site you’d like – personal or business, and a web page theme of your liking. After that push the Install button and your brand new web site will be online in a jiffy. Go to the Website Installer in the SAHAKA Hosting Site Control Panel.
Website Builder
Save money on a web designer – create your own website with a mouse click
Save some cash on costly website design solutions – we offer you all the tools that you need to get the job done yourself. With the helpful Free Web Site Creating Application, you can set up a whole site with a single click using any of the offered ready–made web site skins. Then you will be able to incorporate all your custom content. We offer over 100 web layouts for both personal and business websites featuring diverse color combinations.
Service Scalability
A cloud web hosting service that can meet your needs
Our shared hosting platform is completely scalable, which means that you can reap the benefits of its hosting resources even if the server is under stress or maintenance. As all crucial services are taken care of a number of hosting servers rather than just a single one, you will also enjoy much quicker website load speeds and a guaranteed performance stability. Besides, you can further improve your plan with additional disk space, monthly traffic, MySQL database space, CPU utilization, etcetera. allocations, or upgrade to a more powerful web hosting plan whenever you want.
Web Hosting Control Panel
Control your web sites with a mouse click
It’s now easy to take full control of your web sites with the cutting–edge Site Control Panel that we have developed for you with user–friendliness in mind. Handle all the web site files with simple drag ’n’ drop movements, register, transfer and manage multiple domains from one single place, set up mailboxes in a millisecond, manage e–mail marketing campaigns effortlessly, make and access your own databases with a mouse click, monitor web site statistics real–time, and so on. Advanced tools such as a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection tool are included too.
Web Accelerators
Make your websites load much faster
With SAHAKA Hosting, you don’t need to remove code or to clip your site’s content to make it load faster. Due to the Web Accelerator Applications (Varnish, Memcached and Node.js) incorporated into the Site Control Panel included in each web hosting pack, you will be able to make your web site open faster than ever before – you will be able to make it 10 up to 500 times faster!
A safe web application firewall
Secure all your web apps (Wordpress, Joomla™, PrestaShop, etc.) against hack attacks using ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall meant to guard web apps against hack attacks. We’ve set up the firewall in such a way as to hinder all widespread web site assaults instantly. By default, ModSecurity is activated for all hosts, but you may disable it for any site that you want.
NVMe Drives
NVMe–disk–powered cloud hosting machines
All our shared hosting servers boast NVMe drives instead of standard hard drives. NVMe disks boast faster read & write speeds, which implies that your websites will open much faster. Absolutely no extra site modifications are needed.
By result of the outstanding Internet connectivity possibilities provided by each of our cloud hosting Data Center Facilities, your website will begin to load much faster as soon as you turn to our hosting services.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our packages is configured for you free. 30 day reimbursement. 99.9% service uptime. 30 min reply–back time frame.
Compare our prices
- Look into our prices and decide on the top hosting service for your personal or business sites. You can easily upgrade to a more advanced bundle with only a click of the mouse.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- It’s possible to get in contact with us throughout business hours over the phone for just about any general info.